
The Shish Kebarbecue Machine

I received an e-mail from reader Lynn Nakashian. Our families go way back. My mom and her father, John, grew…

16 years ago

Kalustyan’s, Food of Nations

I’m always searching for places to order specialty and hard-to-find ingredients. When I found Kalustyan’s on-line, I was truly excited…

16 years ago

Potato peel broth: Not just for Vegetarians!

Armenians are carnivores by tradition. However, we respect one’s decision to avoid meat or animal by-products. Because many of our…

16 years ago

Tourshi (Tourshou)- Armenian Pickled Vegetables

When our daughter was in college in Tampa, we often made the tedious 4-hour drive to visit. It was always…

16 years ago

Apricot: The Armenian Plum (and Stuffed Fresh Apricots recipe)

From its deep golden-orange color and velvety skin to its sweet nectar, the apricot (Prunus armeniaca) is the most cherished…

16 years ago

Everybody loves Armenian food — especially in Uruguay!

Our great friend and loyal follower, David Blasco, has been gracious enough to promote on his motorcycle enthusiasts' Web…

16 years ago

Armenian Cucumbers: 3,000 year-old favorite and a recipe for Chilled Yogurt-Cucumber Soup (Jajik)

Armenian cucumber Now that summer is here, it’s time to turn off the oven and think about cool, refreshing foods.…

16 years ago

Yogurt: It’s good all over

My husband’s uncle John Bichakjian, a firm believer in healthy eating, presented Doug's mother with a cookbook called The Complete…

16 years ago

Keeping things cool with Tahn

It might not be hot where you are, but -- believe me -- Florida is HOT, a good portion of…

16 years ago

Shopping at Nouri’s

In the late 1920’s, when my mother (I’ll call her Little Mary) was about 7 years old, she and my…

16 years ago

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