Armenian Christmas

Ghapama – Stuffed, baked Pumpkin, Kef-style with song

I started writing a ghapama blog item several months ago, but ended up putting the story on the back burner…

3 years ago

Armenian Christmas – and – the Water Blessing

Today is Armenian Christmas! Krisdos dzunav yev haydnetsav (Christ is born and revealed among us) Orhnial eh haydnootiunun Krisdosee (Blessed…

9 years ago

Christmas comes but once year, unless you’re lucky enough to be an Armenian

As kids, we thought the idea of celebrating Armenian Christmas was simply great. Who wouldn't want a second visit from…

10 years ago

Anoushabour -The Official Armenian Christmas Pudding!

In order to help you prepare for Armenian Christmas on January 6th, I want to remind you all to make Anoushabour (literal…

11 years ago

A Traditional Recipe for Armenian Christmas Eve – Nevik

It never hurts to re-post a timely recipe, so in case you missed Ara Kassabian’s recipe for Swiss Chard with…

12 years ago

An Armenian Christmas Family Tradition is Born

At the end of last December, after recovering from the joy and of hosting Christmas with family and friends, I…

13 years ago

Merry Armenian Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all! Don't's Anoush Abour time. Krisdos dzunav yev haydnetsav (Christ is born and revealed among us)…

13 years ago

Anoush Abour – an Armenian Christmas Pudding

To round out the holidays –and- to satisfy your body and soul during this festive season, there is one recipe…

14 years ago

Happy New Year To All!

For Armenians in America, New Year's Day is a joyously unambiguous holiday. Most of us celebrated Western Christmas on Dec.…

14 years ago

Scones with an Armenian Twist

Apricot-Pistachio Scones The best scones Doug and I ever ate were the ones we had in London about 10 years…

14 years ago

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