Armenian food

Sweet summer relief! Rose-water and Tamarind coolers.

Sweet drinks satisfy a summer thirst better than anything. It's true the world over. In the American South,  sweet tea…

15 years ago

An apricot shortage leaves Armenia with the pits

A friend who grew up in California mentioned the other day that his folks had an apricot tree in the…

15 years ago

One bread, two names. Is it Bokon or Matnakash?

Bokon - or - Matnakash? Two months ago I started an all-out search for reader Devyn Egigian who was looking for a…

15 years ago

Watermelon Revisited

After recently purchasing a whopper of a watermelon, so juicy and delicious, we thought it appropriate to relive our love of this wonderful…

15 years ago

Fresh Yogurt and Honey -sweet, creamy and cool: What more is there?

Robyn's post the other day about the delights of yogurt in summer brought to mind another simple favorite -- madzoon with…

15 years ago

The Failed Manti

Every summer Doug and I make a point of cooking as much of our frozen foods as possible. In the…

15 years ago

A little rain (or even lot) can’t keep us from getting fired up!

We just had to share this picture. That rain-soaked blur is Bonnie Gross, a great friend of ours and of…

15 years ago

Can our lamb burgers stand the heat of battle?

Last summer, we cooked up a plan to teach Americans a thing or two about lamb but wound up with…

15 years ago

Keeping Cool with Madzoon (plain yogurt)

With summer temperatures rising all across the globe, we thought we’d offer three of our favorite cool and refreshing madzoon…

15 years ago

Lentil Salad with Feta and Tomatoes

Hap and Elaine Our friends Hap Erstein and Elaine Oksner host an annual 4th of July celebration at their home,…

15 years ago

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