If it’s an egg, does that mean it’s breakfast?

Except for her delicious parsley-and-onion eggs, my mother usually favored a plain omelet. Nothing but beaten eggs cooked in butter until slightly brown, then flipped and cooked some more until mottled on the other side.

Clearly, this was a culinary failure by the standards of today’s celebrity chefs, who seem to like their omelets as soft and soupy as chowder.

But here’s the real twist: Mom always topped her plain omelet with a generous sprinkle of sugar. She said that’s how her mother ate eggs, so it was obviously a Dikranagerdsi thing.

I have no idea how her Kharpertsi father ate eggs, or if he ate eggs at all. But my father, who was born in Dikranagerd, like his eggs over medium — and he said his father ate them with hot peppers.

So, who knows?

I do know that Mom and her Dikranagerdsi aunts also put sugar on cheese borags and ate them as dessert.

Does any of this ring a bell?

I wonder if any other Armenians like to sweeten their eggs or any other dishes that most leave savory?

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