With Easter just a few days away, I felt the need to re-post this timely reminder on coloring eggs -…
My family LOVES stuffed grape leaves, (aka sarma or yalanchi) but the process of stuffing the rice filling into finicky…
In the Armenian Church, Lent is a “time of joyfulness and purification through repentance”. The Western Church’s less-strict lenten practice…
St. Sarkis Day, a moveable feast day, falls on Saturday, February 12th, 2022. The following background information, recipes and video…
My first encounter with aveluk (wild sorrel) was in 2015 when Doug and I were in Yerevan. I’d ordered aveluk…
The Christmas card depicted was created by Alik Arzoumanian. Isn't it perfect? The card was shipped to us with Christmas…
One of our family's favorite Christmas cookie recipes.
As I was organizing my recipe folder, a small piece of old newspaper flew off the shelf. I was about…
Although I haven’t lived in New Jersey for decades, in my heart, I’ll always be a 'Jersey Girl' because that’s…
‘Bread is the Staff of Life’. Who hasn’t heard that phrase before? Life-sustaining Armenian breads come in various shapes, sizes,…
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