Categories: Desserts & Sweets

Susan Kulungian, an inspiration to us all

When my story about Herrisah/Keshkeg posted, one of the comments came from a reader listed as “andovercookiemama.”

Susan Kulungian

I was curious to know who this person was, so I Googled the title. It turned out to be one of my followers, Susan Kulungian. Anyone with the nickname “cookie mama” has a special place in my heart!

Susan is a breast cancer survivor – one with a sense of humor, and a heart of gold. Tom Vartabedian wrote a heart-warming article about her that  appeared in The Armenian Reporter last October.

He mentioned that Susan started her own blog last March to help keep “others informed and creating a bit of levity in her own world, despite the difficult times.”

In spite of Susan’s personal fight against cancer, she keeps herself occupied with a truly artistic – and delicious – hobby. She happens to be a wizard at baking and decorating cookies. (Mmmm, cookies!) I asked how she got interested and she replied:

 “I started decorating cookies about 10 years ago after I subscribed to Martha Stewart’s magazine and saw her gorgeous cookies. I said to myself, ‘I can do that!!’ I have been doing it ever since- every holiday, birthday, every event! At one point I did sell them to a coffee shop. That was a lot of fun, but the shop closed. 

“I haven’t been able to find a kitchen from which to bake legally, so I just make them for fun right now. Since I’ve discovered Flickr two years ago, I am in crazy cookie land! I have met some wonderful people from around the world and we share all kinds of ideas about baking and decorating. I’ll tell ya, there are some very talented people out there!”

I agree Susan; you’re definitely #1 on that list.

To view Susan’s creations, go to and then click on “photostream.” You’ll be amazed at what you see!

If you’d like to try your hand at making these amazing cookies, this link will lead you to the recipe Susan uses: 

Thanks Susan, and Happy Baking to one and all!

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