Main Dishes

George Mardikian’s Chicken Tchakhokhbelli recipe, dish favored by Georgian princes.

My family and I had the distinct honor of meeting George Mardikian at his restaurant, Omar Khayyam's, in San Francisco,…

2 years ago

Antonio Tahhan and his recipe for Kbeibat, Middle Eastern dumplings

My first encounter with Antonio (Tony) Tahhan, the Syrian-American food writer, researcher, and storyteller, spans over a decade when I…

2 years ago

October 1, 2023 UPDATE: The ARAM Sandwich celebrated its 50th Anniversary – and now there’s more news!

Hi Everyone, and especially those living in the Sacramento, CA area,I know I’m a bit late with this announcement, but…

2 years ago

Tahnabour (Yogurt Soup) from Marian Amiraian

Sometimes people are lucky enough to be in the right place, at the right time. Here's our story: A number…

2 years ago

Spinach Pie

Spinach pie, or Spanakopita, is, as you know, a deliciously Greek recipe. The combination of cheeses and herbs provides a…

3 years ago

Baked Grape Leaves and Rice Recipe- Shirdov Sini Sarma

My family LOVES stuffed grape leaves, (aka sarma or yalanchi) but the process of stuffing the rice filling into finicky…

3 years ago

Armenian Meatloaf

As I was organizing my recipe folder, a small piece of old newspaper flew off the shelf. I was about…

3 years ago

Losh Kebab – an Armenian Hamburger Recipe

One of our go-to recipes is good-old losh kebab – an Armenian 'hamburger' which is much like lule kebab. ‘Lule’…

3 years ago

Zucchini Recipe, Fassoulia-style

Based on a classic Armenian recipe, fassoulia, this variation uses zucchini instead of string beans and ground turkey instead of…

4 years ago

Lamb for Easter? It just seems right!

This roast lamb recipe is a typical Armenian preparation. Serve it with pilaf, salad and fresh bread and you’ll have…

4 years ago

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