St. David Armenian Church Boca Raton

My (Second) Manti Experiment

I enjoy a steaming bowl of well-made Manti in chicken broth topped with plain yogurt. If you’re not familiar with…

7 years ago

Apple-Fillo Boregs – the Armenian Apple Strudel!

I recently participated in an Armenian cooking demonstration at St. David Armenian Church along with three other women. The church’s…

8 years ago

Rose and Virginia’s ‘Lentil Kufta’

Today the Women’s Guild of St. David Armenian Church (Boca Raton, FL) resumes its schedule of activities after a relatively…

9 years ago

A Successful Ghapama Day at St. David Armenian Church, Boca Raton, FL!

After much hard work and anticipation, Yeretsgin Anna and her team of devoted Armenian School-Sunday School mothers, put together a…

10 years ago

Ghapama Day at St David Armenian Church, Boca Raton, FL

Every Sunday coffee hour follows church services in the Fellowship Hall at St. David Armenian Church. It’s a great way…

10 years ago

Michink (Mid-Lent) Potluck Dinner

The Women’s Guild of St. David Armenian Church in Boca Raton, FL has a special way of observing michink,or mid-lent…

11 years ago

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