Every once in a while I scan certain blogs just to see what’s new in the world of food. When I came across a post on ‘Taste of Beirut’ recently, I became very excited. Joumana, the Taste of Beirut blogger, wrote about ‘mysterious kitchen tool’ where she asked her readers if they could identify it. Immediately I knew it was a manti-cutting tool, and that it was a MUST-HAVE in my Armenian kitchen. Before I had a chance to send my thought, someone else commented that it looked like a manti rolling tool. And it was – the Mantimatic! (How could you not love that name?? Mantimatic…it just rolls off your tongue!)
The Mantimatic (Image from TasteofBeirut.com) |
Now it’s my turn to ask my readers for help:
If you’ll recall, my first try at making manti wasn’t all that succuessful – it wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t great, either. Perhaps making dough from scratch and having a precise cutting device, would improve my next attempt.
With that in mind, can anyone reading this please tell me where -or- how can I purchase a mantimatic?
Any thoughts and/or information regarding a source would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks everyone!
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I'm sure you've already done this, but could you get someone to check out the stores in Paterson?
There is a store in Paterson - at 251 Crooks Ave. -Akmarket - Turkish , but they have similar food. Phone: 973-742-3700
and...Cihane Pastunesi 358 Lawton Ave. Cliffside PArk, NJ 201-840-6111...
You may wish to contact them to see if they have what you are looking for..
Thanks for the suggestions.
A search of 'mante dough cutter' brought up these sites, but they seem to all the same product and all are extremely expensive.
Thanks! My family has already been to the Paterson stores, but no luck. I have another source who knows where to get it in Beirut, so with any luck, I should end up owning one. Now, if we can only get some stores in the U.S. to carry them...
I actually just found it by mistake, but I would NEVER spend this kind of money for it! I'll stick with my pizza wheel! I had looked myself when I saw Joumana's post but couldn't find one in the U.S. When I just went to pull up the link to the closest option I could find (in FL) to send you (Expandable Cutter), I saw that they had one of these as well! (Universal Adjustable Cutter $259.99)
Oh my, Chris! I'm hoping the actual mantimatic doesn't cost as much as the Universal Adjustable Cutter you mentioned. At that price, I can made a lifetime supply of manti using a rolling pin and pizza wheel.
Thanks for checking.
I know, I couldn't even justify the cost of their expandable cutter. Depending on how many blades, they were $66-$100. I'll definitely stick with the pizza wheel! It would be a great tool to have though. I realllllly wish there was some sort of Paklava press cutter so you could do the whole tray in one shot. :)
When I made my own dough, I used a ravioli cutter wheel.
Love you blog
Good thought; the ravioli cutter seems to be an appropriate alternative. Thanks.
I can check the stores in Watertown/Belmont, Massachusetts. Just looked at two online and didnt see it offered, but I'll look when I'm there in person later this week.
Thank you, Karen. How kind of you to offer to check!
I know a lot of people grew up having their mothers cook everything for them and they never participated in the cooking process. Kitchen tool expert