“Dzvov Lobi” or Havgitov Lupia, a Green Bean and Egg recipe from Lucine Kasbarian

The recipe for Green Beans and Eggs (Dzvov Lobi or Havgitov Lupia), was sent to me by Lucine Kasbarian who first sampled it in Sisian, Armenia. She states that Western Armenians prepare this as well although, to her knowledge, it’s not tied to any specific region.

Havgitov Lupia, ready to eat!

Serves 2 to 3

1/2 stick (4 Tbsp.) butter
**2 cans French cut string beans, drained
4 raw eggs, beaten till frothy
salt and pepper, to taste

1. Melt butter in a stew pot. Add beans to pot and cover. Stir occasionally, until beans are tender, about 5-7 minutes.
Adding beaten eggs into cooked green beans

2. Season the beaten eggs with salt and pepper, to taste. Add eggs to beans while stirring.

3. When eggs set firmly around the beans, it’s ready.

To serve: Serve with lavash, cut tomatoes, sheep or goat cheese, and cut lettuce or fresh dill. Or, you can top the dish with madzoon (plain yogurt) blended with fresh minced garlic.

It’s great anytime, not just for breakfast or brunch!

** Note: Frozen French-cut green beans may be used instead of canned. Cook according to package directions and drain, then continue with the recipe. 

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