Coloring Easter Eggs- Armenian Style

With Easter just a few days away, I felt the need to re-post this timely reminder on coloring eggs – Armenian style, that is.

Links to a few of our must-have Easter recipes are also included.

We wish you and your families a Blessed Easter!

It’s never too early to start planning for Easter – arranging baskets of treats for the children, baking plenty of chorag, your favorite lavash, making paklava, and most important, coloring hard-cooked eggs with onion skins, the Armenian way!

(Did you know Armenians have a traditional way of cracking Easter eggs? Click here to find out more.)

Special Note: You must start gathering onion skins now – gather as many as you can because the more you have, the more intense the color will be.

How to color Easter eggs Armenian style:

It’s very easy; start with white-shelled eggs. Hard cook eggs as you normally do, but add the onion skins to the water before you start the cooking process. Onion skins make a great natural Easter egg dye!

Need help with hard-cooking eggs? Just follow these simple steps:

Coloring Easter Eggs- Armenian Style

How to color Easter eggs, naturally, using onion skins.
Photo credit: Marash Girl


  • 1 dozen white-shelled eggs
  • onion skins (A lot! Start saving them weeks ahead of time.)


How to Hard-Boil the Eggs:

  • Remove eggs from the refrigerator about 20 minutes before cooking.
  • Gently place eggs in a deep pot. Add enough water to come one inch above the eggs. (Add onion skins now if you’re coloring eggs for Easter.)
  • Cook on high heat until water comes to a boil.
  • Immediately remove pot from heat and cover the pot. Allow the eggs stand in the hot water for 15 minutes. Discard the onion skins, if used.
  • Remove the eggs from the hot water and cool them immediately in a bowl of ice-cold water for about 5-10 minutes. (This stops any further cooking, makes eggs easier to peel, and helps prevent a greenish ring from forming around the yolk.)
  • Remove eggs from the water, pat them dry, and refrigerate them until serving time.
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