Desserts & Sweets

Church Bazaars- It’s that time of year again

According to, the word “bazaar” means (1.) a marketplace or shopping quarter, especially one in the Middle East (2.)…

15 years ago

Boozy Strawberries- Armenian style

The first time I met Marian Amiraian, she tricked me. She invited me to her home for lunch. After a…

15 years ago

The truth about pine nuts and recipe for Farina Halva

Pignoli, pignolia, piñon, Indian nut. Whatever you call them, pine nuts are delicious! Pine nuts are seeds from cones of…

15 years ago

A Family Heirloom Is Passed Along

My aunt, Arpie Vartanesian, has decided to sell her condo and move into an independent living apartment at a senior’s…

16 years ago

Why bash anyone else’s food? Let’s just eat!

Our fassoulia video on has drawn this comment from a reader who identifies himself as Engafaf. "It looks delicious,…

16 years ago

Apricot: The Armenian Plum (and Stuffed Fresh Apricots recipe)

From its deep golden-orange color and velvety skin to its sweet nectar, the apricot (Prunus armeniaca) is the most cherished…

16 years ago

Boorma: Paklava’s deliciously delicate cousin (Be sure to check out the VIDEO!)

If you like paklava, you’ll LOVE boorma. Boorma, also spelled ‘bourma’, is made from the same ingredients as paklava, but…

16 years ago

Why not bake Mom cake for Mother’s Day?

Wondering how to surprise your mother with a special treat this Mother’s Day? Try this super-easy recipe. Chances are you…

16 years ago

We’re all connected to Musa Dagh

This past Christmas, my mother gave a me a cookbook. Not just any cookbook. This one, Secrets from an Armenian…

16 years ago

Grandpa’s apricot pie

Harry Bichakjian learned to cook somewhere between the historic Armenian city of Kharpert and Chelsea, Massachusetts. Like so much about…

16 years ago

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