
Armenian food looks just as delicious Down Under

We got a very nice email the other day by way of our channel from a follower in Australia.…

12 years ago

Eat Madzoon and live healthy!

I remember TV commercials years ago that featured supposedly hundred-plus-year-old people from the Caucuses whose longevity was said to be…

12 years ago

Tigran Shahverdyan, Scientist, Entrepreneur, and BBQ master!

Tigran Shahverdyan It always starts with a simple request. This one came on June 27th from Tigran Shahverdyan,  a scientist/entrepreneur…

13 years ago

Badem, Marzipan treat for a Special Occasion

Love is in the air! Bridal season has a special meaning for our family this year. My niece will be getting…

13 years ago

Eating Their Way Around the World without Leaving Home

I really enjoy requests from newcomers to Armenian cuisine. One such request came from Tegan Harris of Brisbane, Australia. Tegan…

13 years ago

Michink – Median Day of Lent

What is Mid-Lent – Michink?   Michink falls on a Wednesday. It is not a feast day. The same Wednesday…

13 years ago

A Request for Zadig Kahke

I know it's New Year's Eve and 2012 is just moments away, but it's never too early to start preparing for…

13 years ago

Revival of an Armenian church in Turkey: link to the past or a path to the future?

A reader was kind enough to pass along a link to one of the many recent news stories about the…

13 years ago

The Armenian version of porridge is always just right. (And it’s definitely ours!)

We've stated early and often that we're food fanciers not food historians, so we've tried to steer clear of claims that…

13 years ago

Pistachios charge ahead in the race for America’s taste

Pistachios were always around but rarely accessible when I was a kid. They were grown-up snack food that magically appeared…

14 years ago

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