
Christmas comes but once year, unless you’re lucky enough to be an Armenian

As kids, we thought the idea of celebrating Armenian Christmas was simply great. Who wouldn't want a second visit from…

10 years ago

Ghapama Day at St David Armenian Church, Boca Raton, FL

Every Sunday coffee hour follows church services in the Fellowship Hall at St. David Armenian Church. It’s a great way…

10 years ago

Now We’re The ‘Blessed’ Armenian Kitchen

The 'Blessed' Armenian Kitchen We’ve always thought of our kitchen that way, but now it’s official. We were joined recently…

11 years ago

Doug’s new book tells very Armenian life story while sharing lessons learned along the way

I felt certain of the title the moment I decided to write the book: Stories My Father Never Finished Telling Me. …

11 years ago

Easter Greetings!

 As we celebrate Easter, we wish you all a glorious day!  Krisdos haryav ee merelotz! Orhnyal eh harootiunun Krisdosee! Christ…

11 years ago

Sts. Vartanantz Day

Tomorrow is Sts. Vartanantz Day when Armenians around the world commemorate the Battle of Avarayr which took place in 451…

11 years ago

The Nushkhar – and Home-Blessings during the Armenian Christmas Season

Last November, Father Diran Bohajian from St. Leon Armenian Church in Fair Lawn, NJ, presented a lecture/demonstration featuring the ‘Nushkhar’…

11 years ago

Tipplers in Teheran Chose Armenian-made Arak as Their Beverage of Choice

Although strongly discouraged by Iran’s conservative Muslim government, discreet alcohol consumption remained popular in some suburbs of the nation’s capital…

12 years ago

‘Agra Hadig’, another Armenian tradition – or is it?

Is the tradition of ‘Agra Hadig’ Armenian, or one that Armenians have adopted? That’s the question I’m trying to answer…

12 years ago

Armenians satisfy Beirut’s thirst for sweetness

The Badguer, from the Lebanon Star It's hard to imagine, but Armenians have come up with a new contribution to…

12 years ago

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