Armenian food

The language of food continues to stir debate

We got yet-another thought-provoking message recently on the topic of Armenian food terms that may not be Armenian in origin.…

15 years ago

The coffee’s still boiling over!

Our item on How To Make Armenian Coffee continues to draw interest. And the companion YouTube video continues to draw…

15 years ago

The lost recipes of George Mardikian, great Armenian chef

George Mardikian A century ago, and for centuries before that, Istanbul was a vital center of Armenian cuisine as well…

15 years ago

Did you know Armenians taught the French to drink coffee?

It's I didn't know that until I came across a 1922 book called All About Coffee. It's one of the…

15 years ago

Why do we watch food when we could be eating?

We're fascinated by food shows on television. Not just by the shows themselves, but by their raging popularity. Why do we…

15 years ago

The passing of an Armenian lamb apostle, George Stanley Kooyumjian

It's not often that reading an obituary makes you hungry, but the Fresno Bee newspaper's story on the passing of…

15 years ago

Red Lentil-Potato Kufteh

Since no one, to date, has offered a recipe suggestion in our search for Sosie Catchatoorian’s request for a lentil-potato…

15 years ago

Ever hear of Armenian Lamb Mango Stew? (We think we just invented it!)

Lamb and Mango Stew The best part of mango season here in Florida is the end, when the ripe fruit tumbles…

15 years ago

Art appreciation comes late for this Armenian

We ran an item last summer about the late Ashod Pinajian, an artist I knew before then only as a…

15 years ago

The judges didn’t quite flip over our Armenian lamb burgers

Frankly, we're feeling a little sheepish these days. Our video didn't win the American Lamb Board's annual grilling contest. But…

15 years ago

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