Another request has come my way. This one is for a braided bread stuffed with either sweet cheese or cream.
Here’s the request:
“I’ve just stumbled onto your blog, and I’ll definitely be trying out some of the recipes! Looking through the ones listed, however, I don’t see one that my Armenian babysitter used to make — at least, I’m not sure what it was called, but it doesn’t LOOK like it’s listed. It’s this braided bread stuffed with sweet cheese or cream, and it was absolutely the most delicious thing I’ve ever eaten. Any ideas for what it’s called or how to make it?”
I definitely don’t have this bread recipe in my collection, so if this sounds familiar to any of you, please contact me:
Your assistance and participation is always appreciated. Thank you!
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Hmmm ... sounds good, but not familiar. Maybe it was something her family came up with re: choreg. I know my grandmother used to do a filled version, and my sister just did one with chocolate and apricots that was awesome! I'll be curious to see if anything turns up for this. :)
Chorag (or bread) filled with chocolate and apricots? Mmmmm! You're sharing this with us, right??
There is a braided bread (kaakeh) that is sold in Armenian stores and that has sweetened cream cheese mixed in with the batter. They are not the big choeregs that you make for Easter; they are closer to cookies. Does that sound right?