No Better Gift

Moms, I hope you all had a fantastic Mother’s Day. I certainly did!

No flowers, chocolate, or jewelry for me. There was only one gift I wished for – a visit from our daughter, Mandy. She’s a young professional working and living in New York City – excitement central! It’s hard to have a phone conversation with her, much less a visit.

But, a visit is what I got! (How did she know??)

Mandy and I share a special mother-daughter bond which can never to broken. When she was a toddler, she’d hang on my leg, sobbing, as I’d attempt to leave for work in the morning. Talk about breaking a mother’s heart! As she got wee-bit older, she’d panic if she couldn’t find me in the house. Daddy Doug, would tease her and say, “Your mother has gone to France.” Mandy would wail and shout, “No she didn’t!” Doug got a big chuckle out of this; Mandy wasn’t amused. Luckily, I’d wander back into view moments later to receive a huge hug and kiss from Mandy, not realizing what had just taken place. It’s nice to know you’re appreciated.

When Mandy went off to college in Tampa, I was the one sobbing. It was only a 4-hour drive from home, but it might as well have been halfway to the moon. (Mandy had promised to go to college near home; funny how that changed!) After college Mandy ended up pursuing her career in the Big Apple, where she remains today – 6 years later. I had to pretend to be mature, and give her the blessing she wanted in order to follow her dream.

Now I know how my mother felt when Doug and I moved from New Jersey to Florida almost 32 years ago!

Thank you, Mandy, for the BEST Mother’s Day gift ever (and the spa massage was great, too)! I love you!

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  1. Mandy May 11, 2010 at 8:52 pm

    I love you too!

  2. Anonymous May 12, 2010 at 12:29 am

    Awwww – very sweet. Good stories. Happy belated Mother's Day, Robyn! ~Ron

    Ps. The new logo is great 🙂

  3. Robyn May 12, 2010 at 3:40 pm

    Thank you, Mandy and Ron!

  4. andovercookiemama May 14, 2010 at 7:11 pm

    Thanks for sharing your story. Beautiful mother and daughter! 🙂

  5. Robyn May 14, 2010 at 7:35 pm

    Thanks, ACM. Your family is lovely, too!


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