When I attended Chico State College in California back in 1969, I desperately needed to refer to a hard-to-find Armenian cookbook for a Food Preparation project I was doing. Roy Callan, a fellow Armenian student, came to my rescue. His mother loaned me her cherished cookbook so that I could brush-up on how to make Lahmajoun.
It was labor-intensive, preparing the dough from scratch, chopping all of the vegetables by hand, and making enough for a class of 25, plus faculty. The accolades received, however, made it all worthwhile.
In my later years, I learned an invaluable tip from a dear, departed friend who once lived in California. “Why don’t you make lahmajoun using the short-cut method?” she asked.
Short-cut? This I wanted to hear.
She told me that the Armenian ladies she knew out West made it using flour tortillas as the base. Flour Tortillas? BRILLIANT! Just make the topping, spread it on the tortilla, then bake.
OK, it’s not exactly like the commercially prepared version, but it sure is an easy way to make it when the craving strikes!
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Warning: reading this blog will make you hungry!
ha ha ha ....
I use Naan bread. They come out perfect!
Gosh, that's about as close as I would imagine you could get to reproduce that scrumptious crust a scratch lahmajoun provides. My Armenian friend used to make those darned things and I ate them until I nearly burst. I'm gonna give it a shot now, thanks to Robyn, Doug, and Anthony.
Please do try it, Bob, and let me know how it turns out!
I made lahmajoun the other day using pita bread instead of homeade dough - I was going to cut the pitas in half but they were thin enough and fragile enough that I just used them whole - placed the meat mixture on top baked - and they were delicious -
Yes indeed! Using pita bread is another easy way to get your lahmajoun fix. Thanks, Walter!
Thanks for reminiding me its time to make lahmajoon. :) Mom makes them with pita method, Grandma and I prefer just rolling the dough. Also, to add I usually omit the mint in my version for those of you who arent big mint fans.
Absolutely, Mike. Mint is an optional ingredient, but if you like it, mint gives lahmajoun that "something special" taste.
Wow, this is spot-on. My family never made lahmajoun (too much work, even for the Aunties who had no problem with labor-intensive paklava), but we'd get it at weddings and some larger family events. I made this recipe for the family xmas get-together last week, and the flavour was *exactly* what we grew up with. *Exactly*. Better than the stuff you can get in MA. Thanks, Robyn
I'm so glad this recipe was such a hit! Now you can have lahmajoun any time you want - no muss, no fuss.
Happy New Year!
My Armenian grandmother used the "no fuss, no muss" phrase often. She made her Lahmajouns with Pillsbury biscuits, as do I & my siblings. I am going to give the tortillas a try though.
My Armenian grandmother used the "no fuss, no muss" phrase often. She made her Lahmajouns with Pillsbury biscuits, as do I & my siblings. I am going to give the tortillas a try though.
I tried pita some time ago and it came out hard. So I gave up. Today I bought a bunch of tortilla and will try them. I am discouraged. I would also like to try the tortilla to make zaatar pies. It's the flexible soft dough I am trying to accomplish. Anyway thanks for the tips.
Don't be discouraged! Give the flour tortillas a try. You know they'll taste good! If that doesn't work for you, (and I hope it will) another option is to purchase prepared bread/pizza dough. Many grocery stores or Italian markets sell it. This might provide the softness and flexibility you're after. All you'll need to do is separate the dough into balls, roll out each ball of dough, top each, and bake. In the meantime, I'd love to hear how your tortilla version comes out.
Hi Robyn:
Thanks for the encouragement. I will report on the 'tortilla lahmajoun'. I just stocked up on white flour tortilla. Making the meat topping is a job by itself I suppose. Am I up to it?
I have been buying, from a bakery, 6 "pizza shells". Didn't know until recently that they were 'partially baked' when I get them. They work real good for pizza. But not 'rollable' like I am after for the lahmajoun. I usually make a huge veggie salad (no lettuce, celery, or other water based)The bakery told me they make this shell for the Greek fast food chain stores we have here (Calgary)called Opa. Apparently they quick pan fry the pizza shell to stuff the souvlaki, pork, chicken,+tzatziki sauce. etc. Soft shell and tasty. I haven't been successful in keeping it soft.
I use the veggies for pizza topping and to mix with ground beef, chicken or simply as a hearty salad with yogurt+spices like oregano, pepper, sumac, garlic etc.
I think pita may be even better than totilla. I neglected greasing the cookie sheet when I did the pita long time ago. It came out hard. Another thing to try. Will let you know.
Still learning folks. Happy New Year to all!