Categories: Soups

Dolma Soup!

Doug and I were in the mood for dolma but neither of us
felt energetic enough to make it the traditional way.

Instead, Doug made meats balls with ground lamb
and bulgur which he cooked in a skillet to brown, pouring-off any excess
fat. We had tomatoes, zucchini and onion on hand, so he cut those into large
pieces, threw them in a pot with canned tomato puree, seasonings, and the lamb
meatballs. This was simmered for about 30 to 40 minutes, until everything was
cooked just right. Naturally, this was served with plain thick yogurt.

Dolma Soup
Since there were only the two of us dining, we had enough
for 2 complete meals and then some.

With the meatballs devoured, we still had a
sufficient amount of veggies and tomato base.

Being the creative sort, Doug transformed what was left
into what we named “Dolma Soup”.

He added quick-cooking barley, some Aleppo red
pepper, a smidge more water and tomato paste, simmered the new creation for
about 20 minutes – or until the barley was tender, and voila… Dolma Soup!

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  • dear Robyn, once I told you about Musadaghian PELEDOUTS, which means "ruined". your new creation DOLMA SOUP reminds me about that recipe. the original PELEDOUTS is without meat, but now, my villagers Ainjarians use to put grind meat in it. you can put all the ingredients (bulghur, zucchini or eggplant or cabbage, onion & garlic, oil or ghee or meat, tomato & pepper or tomato-paste, herbs, such as parsley & mint, spices )together, pour the water until cover it & cook it slowly.

  • Dear Robyn, it is not exactly on point with your soup, but I thought you would enjoy my 'creativity' on dolma - I made it using nasturtium leaves, vegetarian (no meat). I do not have grapes growing but I do get huge (8 inches) leaves on the nasturtium - turned out great :-)

  • Dear Robyn:
    Your flexibility reminds me of my mother. When she saw that we three brothers would leave the vegetable casings on our plates, she simply started to put our share of the filling mixture in a cheesecloth bag, and serve it without the veggies. Waste not, want not.

    Best regards,

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