Sts. Vartanantz Day is a moveable celebration on the Armenian Church calendar. This year it is celebrated on Thursday, February 27th. On this day Armenians…
Browsing Category Holidays
Easter Menu Planning? Look no further!
I don’t know about you, but in our family, we’re all about tradition when it comes to Easter. Here’s a recap of some of…
St. Sarkis Day and 3 celebratory recipes
It’s that time of year again! St. Sarkis Day, the moveable feast day on the Armenian Church calendar, is this Saturday, January 27, 2024 –…
A Traditional Recipe for Armenian Christmas Eve – Nevik
Way back in 2010 Ara Kassabian shared his family’s recipe for Nevik with The Armenian Kitchen and it’s been part of our family’s menu ever…
Thanksgiving Recipes Revisited
With Thanksgiving Day just hours away, I thought I’d share a few of our favorite, not too complicated recipes for you to serve to family…
Cranberry Pomegranate Sauce
Thanksgiving is decidedly an American holiday highlighted by the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and football games. Golden, overstuffed turkeys, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and green…
Coloring Easter Eggs- Armenian Style
With Easter just a few days away, I felt the need to re-post this timely reminder on coloring eggs – Armenian style, that is. Links…
Baked Grape Leaves and Rice Recipe- Shirdov Sini Sarma
My family LOVES stuffed grape leaves, (aka sarma or yalanchi) but the process of stuffing the rice filling into finicky leaves can be somewhat tedious.The…
St. Sarkis Day – a Celebration with Recipes – and a brief video
St. Sarkis Day, a moveable feast day, falls on Saturday, February 12th, 2022. The following background information, recipes and video are provided to help you…
Happy, Healthy New Year and Merry Armenian Christmas!
The Christmas card depicted was created by Alik Arzoumanian. Isn’t it perfect? The card was shipped to us with Christmas gifts from our daughter and…