
Finding quince: An Armenian culinary quest

My Candied Quince Preserves Nobody ever said that finding quince would be easy. Most supermarket produce managers don’t even know…

15 years ago

Quince: The confoundingly delicious Armenian fruit – and – recipe for Hyvah, a quince and lamb stew

Have you ever taken a bite out of a quince? You'd remember if you did. Like olives, quince is not…

15 years ago

Armenia is hot market for “cold” melons

Who doesn't love a cold slice of watermelon on a hot summer day? We sure do -- and we'd love…

15 years ago

Food fight! Americans discover that pomegranates are worth fighting over

How much do Americans love pomegranate juice? So much that the most popular brands all seem to be suing each…

16 years ago

Apricot: The Armenian Plum (and Stuffed Fresh Apricots recipe)

From its deep golden-orange color and velvety skin to its sweet nectar, the apricot (Prunus armeniaca) is the most cherished…

16 years ago

Cardamom: A taste of ancient Armenia

Cardamom-Orange-Berry Salad To children, the lure of coffee has always been one of the great adult mysteries: How could it…

16 years ago

Watermelon is big Armenian tradition

If I say "Armenian fruit," you say... Apricot? Pomegranate? Quince? All good answers. But why not watermelon? Melons of various…

16 years ago


Tiny, sweet and chewy. Mmmm... You’ve probably eaten dried currants and didn’t even realize it. They look like plain-old raisins…

16 years ago

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