The Debut of the Refurbished Shish Kebab Machine

Our saga began when Doug and I decided to present our
family’s shish kebab machine to our daughter and her husband.

The wedding is behind us; the newlyweds are on their
honeymoon, and we’re still recovering from the 3-day wedding-weekend event.

The main celebration was preceded by our Armenian-themed
dinner party for those family members who were in town prior to the Big Day.
Doug and I were in charge of planning the menu, shopping, and cooking.

Our son-in-law Ron’s sister Nancy (L), with her sons Keegan (L), and Ian (R), enjoying their first Armenian dinner. Did you notice the table decor? Ron and Keegan were in charge of that.
Kebab rotating in perfect rhythm on the refurbished machine.

This was also the debut of the refurbished shish kebab
machine at its new home in upstate NY.  We’re happy to report that our families hit it
off in an instant and the machine worked as good as new!

Kebab ready to serve!

Our menu:

Kufteh – served with Madzoon
Grilled Vegetables

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