Our 15 Minutes of Fame!

September 2011 issue

In July, while I was visiting family in NJ, I received an email from a representative for the ‘Every Day with Rachael Ray magazine. The rep. said she was looking for an online photo of Beeshee (Bishi) to use for a spread they were doing about the Kardashians’ favorite meal for their September issue.

In her search, she came across TheArmenianKitchen.com and our bishi item. She asked if I had a better resolution of the photo that  she might be able to use. Bad news: since the photo came from a reader, I did not. Good news: I was about to make bishi that weekend for my family. The rep. said she needed the photo ASAP, so I went into high-gear, and got my brother-in-law in on the act. He’s a darn good photographer, so I knew he’d have an appropriate camera to make this project work.

The bishi photo which appears in the Sept. 2011 issue of the Every Day with Rachel Ray magazine. Recipe by me (Robyn); Photo by Ara Hourdajian.

Mind you, I wasn’t in my own kitchen, so I had to quickly find and gather what I needed, including a frying vessel. Digging deep into the cupboard, I found my sister’s electric skillet that she received as a bridal shower gift in 1970! But, hey, it worked!

After making the recipe and taking numerous shots of the final product, my brother-in-law emailed them to the rep. She indicated which shot they’d be using, thanked us, and told us to be on the look-out for the release of the September issue.

Now, for our 15 minutes of fame… Drum roll, please!

The September issue of ‘Every Day with Rachael Ray’  has finally hit the newsstands! As you pick up a copy, turn to the very last page. At the bottom of the page you’ll see (if you squint) a thumbnail sized-photo of the bishi (beeshee) I made. If you flatten the fold of the magazine where the credits are listed, you’ll see the word “Beeshee”, the name Ara Hourdajian, for photo credit, and TheArmenianKitchen.com!

We’re super-excited to have been included in this popular, nationally- recognized magazine, no matter how small the photo – after all, size really doesn’t matter.

Our sincere thanks to Rachael Ray and her magazine staff, for giving us this incredible opportunity!

Life couldn’t be any sweeter.

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  1. Anonymous August 24, 2011 at 5:20 am

    cool! I have that issue I'll have to look for it 🙂

  2. David Blasco August 24, 2011 at 4:31 pm


  3. Amanda August 24, 2011 at 5:58 pm

    Very cool! I subscribe, and I remember reading that article. Now I'll have to look extra close.

  4. Robyn August 24, 2011 at 6:34 pm

    Thanks, everyone! Just use a magnifying glass to see the pic. In any case, we're thrilled!

  5. Anonymous August 24, 2011 at 9:25 pm

    Haha! I love it! Congrats!!!

  6. karin August 24, 2011 at 9:40 pm

    congrats, so happy for you guys, i will definitely look for it 🙂

  7. Ara August 25, 2011 at 5:52 am

    OMG, all that work for a thumbnail picture! That's showbiz, I guess. Congrats, anyway! Don't forget to claim your royalty check!

  8. Anonymous August 25, 2011 at 7:09 am

    That's funny, I just had a restaurant contact me asking to use one of my photos in a commercial. Now I'll have to get the magazine to see your pic AND figure out what Bishi is. LOL Not sure if I'm not familiar with it or we called it something else. Congrats! 🙂

  9. Robyn August 25, 2011 at 2:43 pm

    Chris, a commercial? That's exciting! Bishi (beeshee, zing-a-ling, znglig, or whatever else it's called) is fried dough that's round, pancake-like, somewhat airy, and a bit puffy. It probably takes on other names as well. Take a look at the recipe in our file.


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