One bread, two names. Is it Bokon or Matnakash?

Bokon – or – Matnakash?

Two months ago I started an all-out search for reader Devyn Egigian who was looking for a recipe for a bread called “bokon”. After several unsuccessful attempts, it was decided she might have meant “matnakash”. Does any of this ring a bell?

Long story short: I found a recipe, made it, then posted the recipe and photos. Devyn made the bread and really, really like it. In fact she like it SO much, she wrote the following comments, which I wanted to share.

Devyn wrote:

“Hi again, Robyn!

This was DELICIOUS!! I have to say, I think we may have hit the nail on the head. It is more like perhaps a homemade version (as opposed with something more commercial) of bokon. Honestly, it’s hard to tell because it was just that good!

In my own research on the matter, I contacted my grandmother who says that everyone she knew referred to the bread I was after as bokon, (she’d never heard of matnakash)and that often times it was used as a base for pizza.

Either way, I’m happy with this bread. Thank you so much for your efforts!

One more thing! I just received a call from my grandmother, who received a call from another friend of hers, and she put me in touch with a bakery in the area. I gave them a call and they were well familiar with bokon and said that bokon and matnakash are the same thing. So the mystery is solved and it left me with a FAR better recipe for it than I could have picked up in the store. Thank you, thank you!!”
With the success of this recipe, Devyn’s next bread experiment will be one of the  katah (gata) recipes we posted a while back. She promises to let us know how that works out, too.

Thanks, Devyn, for your enthusiastic kitchen experiments! We’re glad this all worked out.

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