I happened to mention to one of my new friends, Margie (she’s the lady who asked for the Bishi recipe) that my husband and one of his colleagues, Leila Alson, wrote a booklet called Say It Again, a say-it-yourself guide to the most commonly “mispronunciated” words.
(Get it? It’s supposed to be “mispronounced” words!)
It’s for anyone who just wants to sound intelligent, no matter the occasion — especially anyone who has to speak in public.
Much to my surprise, she ordered 3 right on the spot! (Thank you, Margie!)
So, if any of you are interested, click on our Amazon.com connection below (keep on scrolling down to find it) and order yours today at Amazon’s discounted price of $9.32!
If you look closely at the bottom of this page, there are some other gift ideas for you, too – books, CD’s, etc.
Make life easy; do your shopping with the click of your mouse! Only 19 shopping days left and counting!