Categories: Products

Michael Aram: Artist, Armenian and nice guy!

Michael Aram and me (March 2010)

I felt like a teenager standing in line, waiting to get a rock star’s autograph.

The truth is I was standing in line with a group of well-dressed, middle-aged women in the housewares department at Bloomingdale’s in Boca Raton, Florida.

Who was this “rock star”? No rock star at all. It was metal artist Michael Aram.

Doug and I first saw his metal work in a San Francisco department store a few years ago. I recall remarking how lovely it was. Once we realized the artist was Armenian, these beautiful objects seemed more like works of art — and that’s exactly what they are.

The other women on line had purchased items from his collection, and were getting them “autographed,” not with pen and ink, but with an engraving tool. Michael Aram was engraving his signature most elegantly for each customer on their just-purchased metalware.

Why was I there? To get this blog item, of course, and to meet – The Man.

He was charming, and cordial enough to have a photo taken with me. He took time away from the other customers to chat with me a bit, too. Who else would do that? I want to add that he has a fabulous smile – and those dimples! But I digress…

You’re probably wondering what his metalware has to do with a food blog. The answer is that he creates serving pieces, and many other items, using metal in one way or another.

And if you’re wondering just how “Armenian” Michael is and what influence that has on his art, check out this story on, where you’ll also get a glimpse at his work and his magnificent home. Here’s our favorite part of the interview:

“The other thing that I would say from my Armenian background that has been highly influential is this love of food and family, the ritual of eating together. Every night was family dinner … it all revolved around beautifully set tables, beautifully cooked meals, and that sense of like a ‘sacredness’ to those moments.”

His official website is You should see what he has to offer on-line or, if you happen to be in New York City, in his flagship store at 136 W. 18th St. between 6th and 7th.

I promise you, your Armenian recipes will look fabulous if served on a Michael Aram piece of art.

View Comments

  • Dear Robyn, It was great meeting you and Doug, and being turned onto your blog. Thank you so much for coming by the event, and for all the lovely things you've written!

  • Dear Michael,

    It was truly our pleasure meeting you and seeing your gorgeous works of art! We hope you continue to enjoy our website - and remember to tell your friends!!

    Robyn and Doug

  • Fun post! I enjoyed following the link to the social diary story. (I found a great headboard inspiration in one of the photos - such beautiful patchwork!) Now off to see more of Micheal's metal art ...

  • Hello, I'm also who like was you I don't have a good platform please help me I'm the artist metal work I can make everything in metal email please give me one chance to show my talent please

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