
Merry Christmas (once again!)

Today, Armenians around the world celebrate the Birth of Christ, along with His manifestation and baptism. It's a lot to…

15 years ago

If you like wine, thank an Armenian

In an article on the outlook for Armenia's wine industry, the Web site notes that Turkey has about 1,200…

15 years ago

Does Armenian food go better with Pepsi?

Check out the home page of The American Turkish Society and you can't help being drawn to the instantly familiar…

15 years ago

Can the French really love Armenian frogs?

I've half-jokingly noted that Armenians aren't traditionally big beef eaters because cows can't walk up a mountain without falling over.…

15 years ago

Church Bazaars- It’s that time of year again

According to, the word “bazaar” means (1.) a marketplace or shopping quarter, especially one in the Middle East (2.)…

15 years ago

A Family Heirloom Is Passed Along

My aunt, Arpie Vartanesian, has decided to sell her condo and move into an independent living apartment at a senior’s…

15 years ago

An Armenian in the rear-view mirror

If you looked carefully at our recent post on the late Ashod Pinajian's drawing of an old-time Armenian outing, you…

16 years ago

Julie, Julia and The Art of Armenian Cooking

Julia Child Robyn and I went to see the film Julie & Julia the other night. You probably know the…

16 years ago

Armenia’s future is growing greener

We recently read a fascinating story about organic farming in Armenia on the excellent independent-journalism Web site A non-governmental…

16 years ago

The Armenian menu, frozen in time

One of our main motives in creating this site was to help preserve the recipes and cooking traditions that Armenians…

16 years ago

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