Categories: Easy

Baked Kale Chips with Za’atar

Kale, considered to be one of the healthiest vegetables around, is gaining popularity on the culinary scene. More people are realizing the tremendous health benefits in this nutrient-dense, flavor-packed food.

Fresh Kale

That said, baked kale chips seem to be one of the hottest food items these days.
Every time I pick up a food magazine or browse the internet, I’m noticing a
variety of kale chip recipes from plain to fancy. The beauty of kale chips is
that they provide flavor, crunch, and nutrients – without the guilt of, say, a
bag of greasy potato chips. I’m all for a healthy snack so here’s my version of
Baked Kale Chips with Za’atar.
Baked Kale Chips

Kale Chips with Za’atar

1 bunch fresh kale leaves, washed and thoroughly dried (NOTE:
A salad spinner works really well for this very important step!)
Olive oil nonstick spray

1. Preheat oven to 275° to 300°F. (Oven temperatures often vary.)
2. Tear leaves into bite-sized pieces, discarding any
thick ribs.
3. Place kale leaves in a single layer on a baking sheet sprayed
with olive oil nonstick spray. Spritz leaves with the nonstick spray, then sprinkle
with za’atar and a little Kosher salt, if desired.

4. Bake in the oven
until crispy, 20 minutes, turning the leaves after about 10 minutes. 

Serve immediately.

View Comments

  • Arlette Arthur February 8, 2014 at 5:22 AM

    Dear Mr. R.Kalajian,

    I have visited so many Armenian websites offering our delicious Armenian Gourmet Dishes and I can honestly say that this website is the best I have ever visited. Keep up the good work, you are doing a terrific job and I am introducing all my friends to our National Cuisine through your wonderful website.

    Thank you for all the time and effort you have poured in, to create such a distinguished website.

    Have a very nice day,
    Arlette A. Kalpakian

    • Hello Arlette,
      Thank you so much for your kind comment! And thank you for spreading the word about Armenian cuisine. Just for the record, I am Mrs. Robyn, not Mr. :)

  • Kale chips just shout nutrition, I mean seriously kale is awesome and making chips from it is glorious :)

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