Sts. Vartanantz Day is a moveable celebration on the Armenian Church calendar. This year it is celebrated on Thursday, February 27th. On this day Armenians around the world commemorate the Battle of Avarayr which took place in 451 A.D.
Vartan Mamigonian victoriously led Christian Armenians into battle against the Persian Empire to preserve Christianity. Each year this victory is celebrated on the Thursday preceding Great Lent – which, this year, starts on Monday, March 3rd.
There was another special ‘Vartan’ – this Vartan was part of our immediate family, Uncle Vartan Vartanesian, a very Armenian name! We knew him as Uncle ‘Walter’ – a name chosen for him when he was enrolled in public school as a child. (To this day, we have no idea where the name Walter came from, but the name stuck!)

Uncle Walt was a kind, easy-going man who married the perfect woman for him, Arpie Cook, (a Dikranagerdsi Armenian, just like my dad). They were happily married for over 50 years before he passed away in 2002.
As we celebrate St. Vartan, the warrior, my family also celebrates the memory of our dear Uncle ‘Vartan’.
Please click on the recipe names to see two of our uncle’s favorite Armenian dishes – Tabbouleh (Sarma Gurgood) and Dolma.
Here’s to Vartans everywhere!