Linda D. made a recipe request which, quite frankly, has me
stumped. Her recollection, being a bit vague, is making the hunt challenging. I’ve
scoured my resources, and sent messages to my go-to foodie contacts in Los
Angeles and Yerevan. While I continue to search, and hopefully receive more
details from Linda, I am reaching out to you in the hunt for her lost family
Here is the description Linda provided:
“I am looking for a soup recipe my grandmother made that
was a favorite of mine. We called it Beans-leaf soup. The soup was chicken
stock with onion and yogurt and prunes. The beans leaves were wrapped around
farina-like dumplings that were about the size of a woman’s small finger.
That’s all I can remember. Does anyone have the recipe? Thank you!”
was a favorite of mine. We called it Beans-leaf soup. The soup was chicken
stock with onion and yogurt and prunes. The beans leaves were wrapped around
farina-like dumplings that were about the size of a woman’s small finger.
That’s all I can remember. Does anyone have the recipe? Thank you!”
If Linda’s recipe rings anyone’s bell, please email me: robyn@thearmeniankitchen.com.
Once the recipe has been found, and I hope it will be, it can be posted for eternity!
Thanks, everyone!
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