Doug likes to browse through Middle Eastern restaurant menus online. One day he showed me an amazing menu, each dish sounding more incredible than the next.
The one that caught my eye was ‘Mama Ghanoush’. I don’t know how it got it’s name, but it’s the zucchini version of the eggplant-based dish, Baba Ghanoush.
Mama Ghanoush isn’t a new recipe, but I’d never seen it on a restaurant menu before now.
Hoping the restaurant was nearby, I enthusiastically asked Doug its name and how soon could we go.
In a soft voice, he reluctantly stated, “The restaurant is called Batchig and it’s in, um, Lebanon.”
Lebanon?? Thanks a lot, Doug!! Right away I knew we wouldn’t be dining there anytime soon.
Special Note: Batchig means ‘kiss’, in Armenian.
Coincidentally, a few days later, I saw a recipe on Face Book for ‘Mama Ghanouj’ – from Oh My Veggies website.
I took this as a sign that it was time for me to prepare it.
Here is my adapted version of Mama Ghanoush …
(Note: recipe name spellings often vary.)
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