Gouvedge, Nashmy-Style

John and Pat Nashmy of North Jersey share the same love of Armenian-Assyrian-Middle Eastern food as we do. Pat, who is part German and part Italian, has mastered some of John’s best-loved family recipes. As a matter of fact, John was so delighted with her recent preparation of Gouvedge, he had to share their recipe and photos with us.

John purchased 5 lbs. of lamb neck bones from, as he put it, an outstanding butcher in Wharton, NJ, Sussex Meat Packing. He said, ” As the weather has been so miserable with the cold and snow, this was the perfect thing to make. We are again expecting snow and this will be a welcome dish for dinner!”
Pat uses the Gouvedge recipe from the “Assyrian Cookbook”, created by the women of the Assyrian Orthodox Church of the Virgin Mary, Paramus, N.J., then takes it up a level or two.

Gouvedge preparation pictures:

Zucchini, string beans and eggplant


Lamb neck bones and onions

The finished product.

Looks delicious, John and Pat; wish we could have joined you!

Pat Nashmy’s Gouvedge Recipe

1 Medium Eggplant, peeled & cubed.
1 Large Zucchini, peeled & cubed.
1 16oz Package French Cut String Beans.
1 16oz Package Okra, defrosted and tops trimmed.
1 Large Onion, sliced.
1/2 Cup Minced Flat Leaf Parsley.
2 Cloves ( to taste ) Garlic, peeled & quartered.
Salt & Pepper to taste.
Paprika to taste.
1 Large Can Tomato Paste.
2 lbs Leg of Lamb, sliced 1/2″ Thick -or- 4lbs Lamb Neck Bones ( Preferred )
Deep Lasagna Pan or Deep Oven Skillet or Roaster
Cook Meat or Neck Bones in water (just to cover) with Sliced Onion, Salt & Pepper until it comes to a boil.
Remove from heat & cool.
Remove meat from pot and add Tomato Paste to make broth.
Layer Eggplant starting at bottom, then Zucchini.
Season with Salt & Pepper lightly.
Put Garlic and Parsley around
Next layer String Beans & Okra, season again as above.
Cover top with Meat.
Pour Broth over the entire dish.
Season again as above & sprinkle on Paprika & remaining Garlic.
Bake covered @ 375 degees F. for 2 Hrs.
Bake for an additional 1 Hr uncovered.
Baste Meat with Broth during the last 1 Hr.
Serve with Bulgar or Rice & Crusty Bread.

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  1. Marash Girl February 5, 2011 at 11:08 am

    Those of us whose ancestors hail from Aintab and Marash call this dish Tava or Turlu — delicious made with our without meat!

  2. chris December 20, 2011 at 2:32 am

    How do I buy a copy of the Assyrian cookbook Pat refernces? My grandmother belonged to that church, but she has long past.

  3. Anonymous December 20, 2011 at 2:45 am

    Chris, I'm sorry to say that the Assyrian cookbook is out of print. I tried to get a new copy because mine is falling apart, but it simply isn't available:(

  4. Sonia May 11, 2012 at 12:05 pm

    in the preparation of gouvedge the special ingredient is the raw(unripe)fruit, such as apple, apricot, plum or green almond. with the vegetables you must put also the unripe fruit.


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