Desserts & Sweets

Homemade Pomegranate Jelly

Ten years ago, I participated in a week-long educational program sponsored by the Mardigian Institute at St. Vartan Cathedral in…

14 years ago

Love chocolate? Head for Armenia now!

I always thought of chocolate as Armenian when I was growing up because it was probably my mother's favorite food.…

14 years ago

Armenian Honey Cakes

Author Jane Haddam Have you ever heard of Oldways - a nonprofit in Boston interested in helping people learn to…

15 years ago

If it’s an egg, does that mean it’s breakfast?

Except for her delicious parsley-and-onion eggs, my mother usually favored a plain omelet. Nothing but beaten eggs cooked in butter until…

15 years ago

Fresh Yogurt and Honey -sweet, creamy and cool: What more is there?

Robyn's post the other day about the delights of yogurt in summer brought to mind another simple favorite -- madzoon with…

15 years ago

An Armenian Christening – and- traditional recipe, Hassa

There’s nothing more glorious than the birth of a child. Our daughter Mandy's christening - May,1982. Father Paree Metjian officiates;…

15 years ago

The Kardashian sisters make Armenian Pancakes

Did you ever wonder what Kim, Kourtney, and Khloe Kardashian like to cook? Apparently millions of people do. They have…

15 years ago

Ovsanna Kaye’s Katah Recipe was designed to be interactive. By this I mean our readers would have the opportunity to share their family's…

15 years ago

Mastic Gum and Chorag?

There is a lot to learn in this world. Just when I thought I knew all there was to know…

15 years ago

Halvah (Helva): A Recipe of Contrasts

Pam Moroukian asked me to help locate a recipe called “khaveech”. She said it was made with flour, butter and…

15 years ago

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