
Remembering Armenians in the Catskills

Maybe you think of the Catskill Mountains as the Borscht Belt, but I remember when the heights around Tannersville, New…

14 years ago

Like mother, like daughter

Our daughter Mandy lives in a perpetual whirlwind -- and she loves it. Mandy works at a cutting-edge marketing company…

14 years ago

What we learn from You (and YouTube)

We continue to be amazed at the popularity of YouTube in general, and at the response to our own videos…

14 years ago

In any language, our accent is on food

A great email arrived the other day from reader Tom Merjanian, who was nice enough to relay a few kind…

15 years ago

The Arshile Gorky stamp

Lucine Kasbarian sent The Armenian Kitchen the following message and article regarding the March 11th issuance of the Arshile Gorky…

15 years ago


Lent, as all Christians know, commemorates the 40 days of fasting of Jesus Christ. According to the book Saints and…

15 years ago

Poon Paregentan

Have you ever been to New Orleans during Mardi Gras? People dress in colorful, outrageous costumes, parading down the main…

15 years ago

Eating in Aleppo: We can only imagine

Is food in Aleppo, Syria really better? We have no first-hand knowledge, but Doug's cousin Arsene Dirkelessian told us it…

15 years ago

Goulougoos: A new one on me!

It’s funny how one little e-mail can start an avalanche of questions, phone calls, and some interesting answers. Not long…

15 years ago

It’s really best not to speak while eating

A columnist in the Armenian-American press recently blasted those of us who "pollute" the Armenian language by using Turkish names…

15 years ago

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