Reader Cookie Requests

It’s been a while since I received the following recipe requests. Since I’m still taking care of my hubby, I’m going to ask for suggestions from you, dear readers, in helping to secure the two cookie recipes mentioned below.

If the descriptions sent in by Leona and Linda sound familiar, please send your recipes to me:, and I will gladly post them.

As always, thanks for your help.

Request #1:

Hi Robyn: I just found your blog and so enjoyed the memories that it brought flooding back of visiting with my grandparents in Tuckahoe, NY. Do you have the recipe for a nut- filled shortbread like cookie that was dusted with granulated sugar. Sorry I don’t remember the name; I just remember loving them.

Thank you for your time and your blog,

Leona Bohjalian, Bristol CT

Request #2:

Hello! My name is Linda Kevorkian, I live in Kingman, AZ, but from the L.A. area. My aunt Ozzie (Osgoohie?) who recently passed away, used to make these delicious diamond-cut cookies, so I am assuming baked in a sheet pan. They are very buttery and dense, not real sweet, kind of like a shortbread cookie, I think. My mom said they are called Shakar Loukome, but maybe it’s misspelled that’s why I can’t find it anywhere. Would you have any idea and a recipe? I am not even sure where her people come from, I am a Hye, and she married into the family. She was the only one in our family who made them, so I am hoping the recipe didn’t go with her. Thank you, Linda

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  1. Ara December 30, 2010 at 9:10 am

    The first request sounds like maamoul, which is a Lebanese cookie:'amoul. The Wikipedia article has references to recipes. Most Middle-Eastern cookbooks will have recipes as well.

  2. Robyn December 30, 2010 at 1:27 pm

    That's what I was thinking, too, Ara. I'm glad you mentioned maamoul.
    Hoping to satisfy recipe request #2, a Shakar Loqum cookie recipe is coming soon.


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