Good News- Found quince! Bad News- It’ll cost you!

If you’ve been reading about our quest for quince, you know we found some – after a long and arduous search.

My local grocery store FINALLY started carrying quince, much to my delight! I saw a basketful of rather small, but healthy-looking quince, with no price. I found the produce manager – the one who thought persimmons were quince- and asked him “how much?”. Of course, he didn’t know, and had to check.

Upon his return, he grinned and said, “Too rich for my blood!”  “The price?” I asked. $3.29 each!

And I thought $2.99 each at The Fresh Market was over-priced!

What does quince cost in your area?

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  1. Ara December 15, 2009 at 5:47 am

    I am almost embarrassed to answer. About $1 a pound in the LA area. I feel so bad maybe I should ship you some.

  2. Robyn December 15, 2009 at 9:01 pm

    Thanks, Ara, I appreciate your thoughtfulness. You are so kind to even suggest that.


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