Dawn Aginian – an Armenian Entrepreneur

Dawn Aginian 

Dawn Aginian, of Michigan, is well-educated having earned an MBA degree and CPA status. Yet she has been out of work like so many other folks in these difficult times. Since she loves working with her hands and preparing baked goods, Dawn started a new venture preparing and selling Armenian baked goods, her specialty being *Sou-beoreg. She finds this line of work to be more rewarding than the business world. In her spare time, Dawn volunteers at Church for festivals and other events, and is always experimenting with new Armenian recipes. Needless to say, the ladies at Church are delighted that Dawn, representing the younger Armenian generation, is carrying on the culinary tradition.

Dawn recently obtained her ServSafe Certification (for completing – and- passing – the ServSafe Food Protection Manager Certification examination) so that she may work in a certified kitchen unsupervised. Right now business is word of mouth, with a few advertisements in the Torchbearer, her church’s newsletter.

Dawn doesn’t ship her products – at least at this time, but who knows. Once her business takes off, it could be world-famous. And you can say you learned about Dawn Aginian from TheArmenianKitchen.com, when she was just starting out!

Dawn, We wish you our BEST!

*Here’s an outline of Dawn’s Sou Beoreg recipe:

Yield: 1 – 9×12 tray

2 eggs
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 cup water
approx 1 1/3 cup flour for a stiff not sticky dough

Knead with hands and olive or canola oil
Let rest overnight – divide in 2 or 3 balls
Roll to approx 23″diameter
Open in boiling water for 30 seconds then transfer to ice water to open
Dry dough on bath towel
Place 5 layers in tray, then one lb. Wisconsin brick cheese and five more layers
Butter tray and butter top
Cook at 400°F for 50 minutes

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  1. Marash Girl February 26, 2011 at 6:58 pm

    How and what do you 'open in boiling water'? I don't understand but would love to try it.

  2. Robyn February 26, 2011 at 8:26 pm

    Hi MG,
    I don't know Dawn's exact method, but the Sou Boereg recipe in the cookbook, 'Armenian Cooking Today', states that after rolling the balls of dough into thin rectangles,take one sheet at a time, stretch it and gently drop it into boiling water keeping it submerged. Then removing it and plunging it into ice water. Place in colander to drain, squeeze gently with hands and spread on a towel to dry. Do that with each sheet of dough. Then continue as Dawn mentioned. Baking time may vary. I would suggest checking after about 35 minutes.
    I hope this helps.

  3. Anonymous February 28, 2011 at 5:23 am

    this recipe is not clear at all..why even give it?? sorry

  4. Robyn February 28, 2011 at 3:56 pm

    My apologies; I was unclear… It wasn't Dawn's intention to provide her exact recipe as it is her specialty. I will do a post in the future with a "general" Sou Boereg recipe.

  5. Unknown February 1, 2018 at 4:52 pm

    There is definitely no motivation to be an entrepreneur without the objective of thriving as your final product.resource


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