A simple, yet direct, request was sent to me by reader, Pam: “Please send recipe for Armenian macaroni with meat, done in oven.” Before I…
Posts Published by Robyn
The Armenian Kitchen pays tribute to Anne Marootian, one of the best Armenian cooks there ever was.
The Marootian family and my family (the Dabbakians) go way back – I’m talking decades. We were neighbors in Clifton, NJ for approximately 40 years,…
Introducing the ’60-Second Pomegranate Deseeder’
I confess, I’m an occasional impulse-buyer. I try not to be, but on rare occasions, I’ve been lured into buying a specialty kitchen tool or…
With Deep Sorrow
It is with deep sorrow that The Armenian Kitchen announces the passing of Robyn’s mother, Mary. Our kitchen will be closed during our period of…
Mushroom Nuts – or – Almond Mushroom Pâté
This past summer, Stacey P., a former resident of Ohio, wrote asking if I’d ever heard of a recipe called “Mushroom-Nuts”, an appetizer she’d sampled…
Gift Idea- Hand-Crafted Skewers
It’s never too early to think about Christmas gift ideas, and the internet has made shopping a wonderful convenience for consumers. I heard about a…
Butternut Squash – Lentil Ragout
Over the years, I’ve developed a fondness for butternut squash and like to try it in different ways. I decided to prepare a ragout combining butternut…
Butternut Squash How-To’s
Are you tired of using pumpkin in recipes? Why not try replacing pumpkin with butternut squash? Butternut Squash After all, butternut squash is probably the…
Bâton Salé – French for ‘Salty Sticks’
A request – in the form of a challenge – was sent from Sona G. for Bâton Salé (French for ‘salty sticks’): Sona’s request: “Wondering…
Another Sweet Potato Hummus Recipe
When I posted the recent recipe for Sweet Potato Hummus, I didn’t have the recipe that our hostess, Bonnie, prepared – so I created and shared my…