Lucine Kasbarian’s father, CK Garabed, is searching for Siserov Kufteh, a Dikranagerdtsi recipe, which is served primarily during Lent. He stated, “Most Armenians make Topig,…
Posts Published by Robyn
Mastic Gum and Chorag?
There is a lot to learn in this world. Just when I thought I knew all there was to know about making chorag, a curve…
Halvah (Helva): A Recipe of Contrasts
Pam Moroukian asked me to help locate a recipe called “khaveech”. She said it was made with flour, butter and cream, and cooked in a…
Armenian French Toast? Armenian Pancakes?
In our recent recipe search, some of our dearest readers have come through with some recipe suggestions. To refresh your memory…Pam Moroukian was looking for…
Searching for Recipes – Can you Help?
At the request of several readers, I have been searching for specific recipes. If, after reading the following requests, you find you have any of…
The Armenian Tradition of Cracking Easter Eggs
Just because Easter has passed doesn’t mean I can’t add another item about it. Right? Here’s an article I just received from Aghavni Armoudian, Tulsa,…
Easter Greetings from
HAPPY EASTER! Krisdos haryav ee merelotz! Orhnyal eh harootiunun Krisdosee! Christ is risen from the dead! Blessed is the resurrection of Christ! Sincerely, Robyn…
Armenian-style Easter Egg Salad- Teereet
My mother-in-law called her delicious egg salad recipe ‘Teereet.’ Perhaps that’s a Dikranagertsi word; I’m not sure. I do know that it’s a delicious way…
Fool, Ful, Fuul? Fava Bean Stew
Ful Mudammas, the national dish of Egypt, is also known as ‘the rich man’s breakfast,’ ‘the shopkeeper’s lunch,’ or ‘the poor man’s dinner,’ according to…
Onnik Dinkjian’s Kavourma
Like many Armenian food terms, Kavourma can mean something different depending on the region or even village your family comes from. It’s always some form of cooked lamb, but…