Categories: Beverages

How to make an Adult’s-Only Milkshake

If asked what milkshakes are made from, you’d undoubtedly answer milk, ice cream and syrup – and that would be correct.

But, I turned an ordinary milkshake into an adult’s-only version using milk along with some upgraded ingredients which include plain Greek yogurt, a very special syrup, and an ice
cream that carries a powerful PUNCH!

Adult’s-only Milkshakes (Sorry kids!)
Our local **Harris Teeter grocery store in SC carries a lot of
interesting products including a couple of new unique items: Maple Guild brand (deeeelicious) syrups in assorted, tantalizing flavors, and ice cream for adults only. I kid
you not!

The ice cream is called Hardscoop, made with ’neutral distilled spirits’.
The lid clearly states it’s for those 21 years and older, so kids, don’t even
think about eating this stuff!!

**(NC Harris Teeter stores don’t seem to carry this product.)
Freezer display at our grocer’s

Hardscoops comes in 3 flavors – chocolate, vanilla, and
coffee with limited edition and seasonal flavors available. (We bought chocolate.)

This ice cream is creamy, rich, and flavorful in more ways than one! The alcohol flavor really shines through.

One small spoonful is more than enough for me. But, when
combined with the other ingredients, it makes an amazing milkshake.

I must warn you: Sip it very slowly to savor the flavor – and – drink responsibly!

Yogurt Milkshake

Yields 2 servings
Maple Guild’s salted caramel syrup, Hardscoop chocolate ice cream, milk and plain Greek yogurt
3 to 4 Tbsp. syrup of your choice (I used Maple Guild’s
Salted Caramel syrup)

1 scoop ice cream, select one to complement the flavor of
the syrup (Used Hardscoop Chocolate)

1 cup milk

1/2 cup plain yogurt


Place all ingredients in a blender and thoroughly blend

Pour mixture into 2 glasses.


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